Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Full Metal Jacket: Oral Edition

On Friday night I reached a new oral milestone when the rest of my teeth got
braces put on. If you thought I talked bad before, you should hear me now! If
you thought I drooled a lot before, you should see me now! I look like a rabid
dog, frothing at the mouth and all :) . To go along with that, my teeth were
pretty sore the first few days, though they seem to be better now. I'm getting
bored with the nagging intermittent pretty quick, so I don't think I'll be
writing much more about it!

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- Paul
- Ryan (you should know better!)
- Manteca (Terry, is that you?)

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J. Riley, Keeping the internet safe!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you and elli are almost in the same boat! shes gnawing on everything and drooling like crazy. yesterday she was sucking and chewing on my hand and gave me a hickey on my thumb. the whole thing was covered in slobber. mmm mmm good
