Friday, January 05, 2007

The Recovery

I guess last weekend caught up to me after all, I've come down with a nice little head cold that is driving me crazy. New Year's Eve was pretty fun (see the pictures below), we ended up hanging out downtown in TriBeCa hitting up dive bars, Being John Malkevich sized bars, authentic Japanese karaoke bars, and capping the night off with a 3:00am Corner Bistro burger that was damn tasty at that hour.

For reasons unexplained (I'm sure it had nothing to do with the Hypnotiq drinks at the karaoke bar) we were given an extra hamburger and I decided that I would definitely polish it off because I was so hungry. These are monster burgers though, and after finishing the first, I dove into the second and only finished "half" (debatable!) of the sucker. The meat is the girth of a burger, and if I finished at least half the meat, I think that that should count, though my friends didn't exactly agree with my assessment and calculations. Nonetheless, I was going to finish that burger, so I got a doggy bag, packed the meat up, and took it home to feast up the following morning in a delicious omelet (sp.). Now that I think about it....a hamburger omelet? That kind of sounds disgusting. What was more disgusting was waking up four hours later with your stomach chock-full of meat and your throat cooking like a Weber grill from the burger-generated heartburn. Suffice to say that the burger is still in my fridge and I don't think I'll be making that omelet anytime soon :o/....

The rest of the week has been so busy that my new exercise regimen has been relegated to at-home workouts only. Tuesday and Wednesday I had a major headache that I believe was caused by the rubber bands in my mouth. I noticed on Wednesday that when I took them out to eat dinner, my head didn't bother me. But when they were in all day and night, I think they were causing a small stress fracture in my skull. Yea, I'm looking forward to getting these things off. Every day a different part of my jaw or a tooth hurts, so I know that they are moving something around. I hope that I've been putting them on the right teeth this whole time! :ox

Wednesday we went up to Melissa's for some awesome homemade enchiladas, rice, and beans and Thursday was a post-holiday party with my former boss that he was invited to. He's a funny Israeli when you get a few drinks in him and he starts talking to geek-product vendors about his opinions and views as a security professional :o) . I could learn a few things from him...

J. Riley, and tonight there will be rest (I hope)

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