Monday, January 08, 2007

Wardrobe Reloaded

Damn, are sales after the holidays always this good?? Yesterday, armed with a three-page list of requests from my South American friends (how naive can I get?), I headed out to the clothing district with the sole purpose of finishing off the list and maybe checking out some items for myself. I hit all the major stores on 34th Street - Express, Zara, Banana, Dr. Jay's, and of course the gold mine that is Macy's before heading uptown to Lucky Jeans. The sales were rocking everywhere and I ended up spending like $150 for two new pairs of non-denim pants, three long-sleeve shirts, and three short sleeve shirts in a variety of colors that were previously seriously lacking in my closet. I don't think I bought a single thing that was less than 50% off, amazing!

J. Riley, also went and saw Letters from Iwo Jima, which was great...


  1. nice!! i LOVE good sales! and, yes, they usually are that good after the holidays because everyones trying to get rid of all the winter stuff to make room for spring lines...

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM EST

    is that movie still in the theaters??

