Monday, April 16, 2007

Left Hurting

Just when I thought everything was going right, I am left hurting.

A couple weeks back, two weeks+ into my new bootcamp workout routine (which hasn't been re-established thanks to the standard two-week Tupac Amaru's Revenge), I started noticing that my left heal was bothing me when I wear my stiff leather shoes to work. It's a blister-like sensation, but there is no blister and it feels like it is on the inside of my skin rather than the outside. It doesn't hurt to the touch, it doesn't hurt when I stretch back there, so I don't know what's wrong, but it doesn't seem to be going away. So, I have self-diagnosed it to be a ruptured achilles (the same doctor diagnosed my brain tumor a few years back, as some of you remember).

Then, on top of this, my left calf is notoriously tight and went ballastic on me earlier in the week, knotting up like a sailor's yoke and hurting when I pressed in on the massive ( :o/) muscle underneath the skin. It's possible that has to do with dehydration from Tupac Amaru's Revenge.

Finally, it has relented to it's standard just-tight stage and now my glutious maximus feels all bruised (no vulgar comments, por favor ;o) just behind on the outside of my hips even though all I did all weekend is lay in bed trying to recover from my illness....

J. Riley, I have a sneaking suspicion all or some of this may be connected. Literally. And figuratively.


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM EDT

    Just finished reading up on the trip - looks and sounds like it was well worth the Chicha Tummy!!! Every time I see this I laugh - probably not as funny to you during "recovery" ;^)


  2. Anonymous12:51 PM EDT

    How "OLD" is old???
