Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Anti-Virus Needed

As an information technology security professional, I take viruses very seriously. I use the latest Anti-virus products, I keep my virus fingerprints up-to-date, and, of course, I use Firefox in order to prevent websites from sending me malicious content unbeknownst to me. So, you can imagine how frustrated I was when I got a virus on Sunday or Monday. At first, I thought I was just dehydrated after a night out at Lake Tahoe following a day of skiing, but from what I've read, it sounds like I was experiencing the first symptons of the virus. Headache, neckache, sore joints, light-headed, cough, sore-throat etc. I'm sure that my red-eye flight home on Sunday night didn't help things, and neither did sitting in an air-conditioned data center all day Monday. Things started going downhill on Monday night, when I came home and had the chills, unable to get myself warm, despite hot-boxing my tiny bathroom with steam from a super-hot shower.

Tuesday morning, I woke up with a throat that was on fire. I took a shower and nearly passed out, so I crawled back into bed and sent out the emails saying I wasn't going to make it into work today. This was even after getting 14 hours of sleep that night! So, for the first time in my career, I took a sick day. I went to the doctor, who said he thinks it's just a virus and I have to just wait it out. Great. Today I woke up with the same symptons, so I'm gonna go ahead and holler sick for this one as well.

I'm powering down vitamin C pills, multi-vitamin pills, water, and throat tea. Hopefully this will help clean my body and restore my self-respect for my skills as a security specialist....

J. Riley, cough-cough.

P.S. Congrats to my brother and sister-in-law for their pregnancy!! (unofficially)


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM EST

    well either way, it is now that you annouced it to the world. We wont be going to the doctors for another 2 weeks......then it will be official.


  2. Believe me, the only people that read my blog are family members and a few friends here and there. If you tell mom, then I can assume that roughly half of the world's population has declared it official ;o)

  3. Anonymous8:48 PM EST

    Hey ! I wiped your butts and stayed up sleepless nights for you guys! Give me a break! I'm the grammy, mamaa or whatever and it does come with some priviledges. Besides, I knew way before you did and never said anything!
    This sweet little baby is going to love me and you just might get be careful what you say!!!
    The up and coming grandma,
    Your Mom
