Monday, November 27, 2006

Welcome to My Blog

Before I started orthodontics (what a mess), just over a year ago:

Just before my operation:

Things to note: The center line of my upper jaw and lower jaw are almost a full tooth-width off; My upper and lower teeth still don't meet in the front; Those metal things are the daggers that I refer to (the rubber bands connected to those after the surgery).

J. Riley, I look forward to the post-surgery pictures!


  1. so the surgery lined up the teeth and closed that gap? when do the daggers come off??

  2. I highly recommend not clicking on the second photo and looking at my stiff upper lip, looks kinda gross and makes me want to shave my goatee! The surgery lined up my teeth and the gap is no mas! If/when I eventually feel my chin again, maybe I'll have someone take another photo...

  3. dude, you need some sort of WARNING! i opened the page and WHAM! hello mouth!

  4. Anonymous10:46 PM EST

    is a bit shocking to launch into! I can't believe how far your front teeth were off, wow!


  5. Anonymous10:22 AM EST

    I can totally see the difference.. but you were cuter before in a Donkey (Shrek), messy, confusing kinda way. :)
