Monday, May 16, 2005

Hola Sunburn!

Very mellow weekend for me. As a result, my apartment is very clean! Did my volunteer gig on Saturday, took a bunch of youngsters to a Latino museum, Museo del Barrio, over in my neck of the woods, Spanish Harlem. I didn't know what to expect, but I was happy to see that our group had a 20-something, authentic Puerto Rican tour guide/instructor ;o) .... Actually the museum was pretty cool. You would think that we Californian children would learn that Mexico had a revolution in the early 1900's, but I had no idea until we visited a photographer's exhibit that visually told us all about it. I might have to go back and check out the guid....I mean museum sometime soon.

Speaking of Puerto Rico, last night I booked my first flight down to Puerto Rico for June. The flights are super cheap next month for some reason (~$200 round trip) and my friend Sean is going to be working down there, so I've got a free hotel to stay at. Apparently there's some scuba diving available down there as well, so I might have to dust off my dive log and certification card and get narc'd (scuba lingo :o). I'm kind of excited, I haven't had a real vacation since like September last year, so this will be a nice break.

Of course, the weekend before is Faryn's graduation from high school, so that'll be a few more points in my airline account. All of this activity, in addition to a plethora of meetings for work and visitors, is starting to drive me and my Palm Pilot mad, so I decided to check out some software calendars. I decided on Mozilla Calendar/Sunbird, conjured up by the same creators who brought you Firefox for browsing and Thunderbird for email. It's still very much pre-release, but it's free and it's pretty awesome. I even geekily figured out a way to centrally store my calendar on a website and access it from this program. That way I can access the same calendar from all my different computers.

Anyway, enough of that. Yoga time for me and my messed-up shoulder,

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