Thursday, May 05, 2005

Need Another Reason To Bookmark This Site?

This 6:30am scheduling protocol is working out pretty well. The only problem has been caused by me staying up until past midnight. When I do that, I tend to get worn out by the end of the week and go comatose at an early hour, such as last night, when I passed out at around 9:30 or 10:00 while studying (putting myself to sleep) following a sushi smorgasbourg (sp.)...

On a more somber note, most of you probably heard about the bomb at the British Consulate this morning here in New York. I heard about it after I got to work and kind of brushed it off as no big deal. But, the reality is that that happened less than a mile and a half away from where I live, and that kind of put things in perspective. Somebody actually went to a spot a mile and a half from where I was sleeping and put two bombs there.

Reminds me of my contingency plan if there ever is a big, bad situation such as what happened on 9/11 - the blog. Sometimes phones don't work, so keep your eye on the blog. Yet another reason why you should become a dedicated blog-reading addict :)


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:07 AM EDT

    Would have thought the British Consulate would be located more toward the affluent West side. Do they have one of those guys with the big stocking hat outside like they do in London? (hope Richard does not read this!)

