Thursday, June 23, 2005

Keeping it Kosher

This week has been dedicated to recovering from Puerto Rico and I've done pretty well, if I say so myself. On Tuesday I was exhausted and passed out at about 7:30pm for a little nap. Well, I woke up shortly after 11:00 and knew that I was gonna be messed up that night. So, I pulled up the A's game online and watched a few innings of that. At about 12:30 I layed back in bed and did some catching up on my soccer magazines. I fell asleep shortly thereafter. But not for long. I woke up an hour later again and went through the whole deal one more time. Finally, after that I went comatose and woke up the next morning feeling great. I had tons of energy Wednesday and actually managed to do some cleaning of my apartment after work.

I missed pilates on Wednesday because my boss took my former co-worker and I out to dinner following a grueling meeting. Earlier in the day he gave me a heart-attack, though. We were BS'ing about this new laptop that he ordered me and then he takes me outside and says that he has bad news for me and walks me down the hall towards the conference rooms. He looks at me and says "I just found out that we are going to be doing another year of auditing". what's the bad news?? I've been doing this stuff for a year and haven't mastered it yet, so I have no problem going forward and doing another year of it. Initially our contract was supposed to be up at the end of the month and I was going to be going into another group (same client, same boss, just different work). But, seriously, I'm totally cool with doing auditing. :)

So that night my boss took us out to little Israel (he's Israeli and my former co-worker is Kosher) out in Queens. Unfortunately, former coworker had to fly out like an hour after we got to the restaurant, which served up Kosher Persian food. The meal was fabulous, even if I couldn't eat at my normal pace....Speaking of going Kosher, I actually ate at least one Kosher meal per day every day this week - except today. And tonight I'm eating piglet tenderloin, so it's payback time :) . There's a very good cafeteria at a school across the street from where I'm working and they serve awesome Kosher meals. But not organic. So the chickens are probably still force fed antibiotics and raised 20 per square feet, but at least they're Kosher - whatever that means!

Anyway, I got tender loins to cook....

The J. Riley


  1. Doesn't kosher mean that the food's been prayed over by a rabbi or something? And wouldn't you have to be Jewish for that to be of any kind of importance? If you start growing long curly sideburns then I'm going to be concerned...

  2. Just means that it's been killed by having its throat slit, rather than, oh, I don't know, being electrocuted (how Perdue kills their chickens.)

  3. It just means the meat's been prepared according to Kosher rules, whatever those are for chickens. Not of massive importance, to be honest. How many times have YOU had Kosher food in San Diego ;o) ?
