Saturday, July 02, 2005

Sights & Sounds of the City

Well this week has certainly been an interesting one with my new guests in town. After the first night's drama, things have been "normal" and there's been no more accidents, for which I and my furniture are thankful. I gotta say, it's been real fun having Nina and son around, even if I'm exhausted at the end of the day and not sleeping until midnight every night. This guy's got some serious energy going on!

Wednesday night we decided to go down to Time Square and visit the Toys R Us. It has a huge ferris wheel inside of the 4-5 story toy store, which I never knew about before. Marcus was definitely overwhelmed by the sights and sounds on the way down there. Imagine being a two year old from a relatively quiet country and experiencing your first trip underground to ride your first train, full of hundreds of people and loud noises, etc. And Time Square is just mayhem for anyone, let alone this poor kid! But what's been interesting is that he has definitely gotten used to it and looks forward to riding the subway now. And many of the little things that I never notice on the street are definitely picked up on by him, such as newspaper stands (he has to open each one multiple times), dry stand-pipes on apartment buildings (for the fire department), and anything else that he can get his Home Depot tool set (form Toys R Us) on. Suffice to say that unless he's being carried, the trip times to the subway grow exponentially every day :o) . But that's ok, we're in no rush here....

Here's a shot of Nina and Marcus at Toys R Us:

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