Monday, September 27, 2004

Birthday Pictures

I've posted my birthday pictures. You would be wise to look at them. And not laugh at them. Euro pics are still being worked on! But, if you must have a sneak preview, take a look on sixpak.

My Monday night Yoga class is being elevated from an intro class to a "normal person" class. This means more Down-Dogs and Warrior-poses, thus increasing my breathing from deep, back-of-the-throat breaths to hyper-ventilating breaths. Regardless, I achieved a deep state at the end of class, during the part of class we are supposed to just breathe and relax with the lights turned off. It was like I was dreaming, I had peaceful images in my head. Or maybe I was just on the crux of falling asleep.... :-/ . Good session, regardless....

J. Riley

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:48 PM EDT

    So you must have not like the girl showing off 2 pieces of 1 dollar notes on the party. Maybe Photoshop would have come in handy this time ;)
    Anyway, happy birthday bro
    Csilla and Roland
