Thursday, May 20, 2004

I Can See Clearly. Wait, No I Can't...

I went to the local optometrist yesterday to get my eyes checked out and fitted for contact lenses. I've been wearing glasses for a few years now and I've been curious to try out contact lenses so that I can actually wear sunglasses -- and be able to see -- for once. Well, it looks like I'll be out of luck...or out of money. My choice.

Apparently my eyes have a special "feature" (similar to Microsoft's "features by design"...a.k.a. software bugs ;o) that requires me to have contact lenses that don't move around on my eye. And, naturally, those contact lenses are about four times as expensive as standard lenses. In addition, this "feature" means that I won't be able to see as well out of my contact lenses as I can see out of my glasses since glasses will always be in the same physical position while contact lenses, even the rip-off pair that I would need, will still move a little bit. Maybe I should get lasik-ed and be done with it altogether. At least until they discover that everyone who's had it done will suffer permanent structural damage to the eye and will be blind...

The last weekend of May is Memorial Day weekend, which means VACATION! Now that I'm done (for now anyway) serving my sentence in the Delaware State Penitentary (also known as Citibank ;o), I'm being shipped off to Indiana. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse than Delaware, they pulled this rabbit out of the hat. But I'll keep an open mind about it since it's only a two week project. And the work might actually be interesting (imagine that!). Since I'll be in the vicinity, I'll spend Memorial Day Weekend in Chicago with some friends of mine. I look forward to seeing some of you again!

Last night I enjoyed the company of a family friend (Vicky Gibson from San Diego) at a very hospitable and delicious Italian restaurant called Bricco over in Hell's Kitchen. An evening with Vicky gurantees some entertainment, and last night was no exception! Great food and great company!

The New York skyline is approaching and beckons for me to shut down and prepare to say goodbye to the Amtrak train that I ride, or should I say "rode", to and from Delaware....

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