Monday, May 10, 2004

Juliano's Mocha: I thought drugs were illegal!

The sun was shining, the skies were blue, and I'd just given $10 to a doctor to look at me for less than a minute and tell me that I need to go see a specialist for my cancer-prone skin. On such a wonderful day, why not stop by Juliano's on the way home and pick up a mocha to sip and enjoy before having to go to work? Seemed logical to me, considering how much ranting and raving my friends do about their mochas.

Bad Idea.

Those of you who know me know that my typical form of tongue lubrication is neither coffee nor soda, but water. And on those really really bad mornings when I don't want to be at work (pshea, like I ever want to be at work), I can have a Starbuck's frappachino or mocha and I'll be running strong within minutes. Caffeine is always there waiting for me with open arms when I need it, which is rarely. Just as it should have been on that jubilant Wednesday morning.

Instead, the caffeine I injested was waiting for me with a sledge hammer to the face! Unbeknownst to me, Juliano's has a reputation for making their mochas unbearable for people who neglected to eat a hearty breakfast beforehand. I mean, the surgeon general should require them to put this on their door and coffee cups because this coffee made me STONED it was so strong! I was so out of it for the next few hours that I couldn't eat lunch (my favorite meal of the day normally).

Most of you can probably imagine how I feel about sitting with a bunch of old white men wearing suits, mostly lawyers and sales people, listening to them talk on their cell phones loud enough for the whole train car to hear about how important they are and how critical it is that "we close the sale today!". But the caffeine put me in a utopian state, and I watched with interest as the lawyer in front of me drafted a letter to the plaintiff about "responding to high priority communication requests...etc.", all of it in legaleze (an English dialect). I was amazed at how smooth and swift the legaleze rolled out from his brain, through his hands, and onto the screen.

I felt like a Yoga guru for the rest of the day until I ate dinner, at which point I returned to normalcy....for better or worse!

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