Monday, May 24, 2004

Indiana: Well, Could be Worse....

This morning I woke up with a new challenge: No, not whether I can break my all-time record of Monday morning preparing-to-waste-a-week-of-my-life-in-Delaware time (15 minutes from wake-up to departure for Penn Station; Impressive, I know!). No, this week I'm going to Indiana for a new project. So instead of going to Penn Station, I was en route to the airport.

I arrived in Indiana only to find out that my coworker on my project, my manager, was in the hospital with a colon infection. I felt really bad for the guy (I've never met him) and hope he recovers soon, for his sake. It will cause a delay in the project, but that's the least of this guy's worries, in my opinion. Nonetheless, he insisted that I call him in the hospital...where I found his voice slow and slurred (thanks to the morphine he was high on). The project can wait, I hope he gets well soon!

Strangely enough, I found Indiana kind of serene. Maybe it's the quiet, open-fielded farms surrounding my hotel, the warm mild weather, or the birds chirping. I also have to say that I've come to terms with chain restaurants and strip malls. An epiphany, for sure!! I figure that it's easy for me to sit back and critisize the Walmarts for taking over the mom and pop shops, but isn't there value in the fact that Walmart (and the others) give less-educated people the opportunity to have health insurance, retirement plans, etc.? It's easy for me to critique them while my 401(k) grows and after my $10 visit to the doctor to have a few (possibly cancerous) moles checked out. So, I've come to terms of some sort with these places. I will continue to support the mom and pop shops as much as I can, but at least I'm not full of agony when I have to drive by a Walmart, Kmart, Target, and Home Depot all on one block.

An epiphany, indeed!

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