Sunday, October 10, 2004

A Case of the Sundays

Well, the end of the weekend approaches. Okay, it's actually here.....

Friday night was pretty crazy. Dinner was excellent at Rain East, which is a Malaysian restaurant serving up delightful food. And white-wine sangria! Afterwards, we headed down Pioneer Bar on Bowery Avenue, which was a massive, pretty mellow place to sit with everyone and have a few cold ones. Per birthday boy's request, we then walked down the block to a local karaoke place. While waiting for our private room, I thought it would be fun to sit in the absent "security guard's" chair. It then occurred to me that it would be great to pretend like I actually had muscles and was taller than six feet. So, I started asking for ID's from the people walking through the front door. Some people were bummed about being carded, maybe because they were underage, but I "let them go this time" after glancing at their ID. I don't even know where birthdates are on NY drivers' licenses. And it was a BYOB joint, so it's not like people even had to be over...10. Good times, good times....

After returning home from the events, I got my four hours of sleep before I had to wake up and do my community duties with some kids from a Hell's Kitchen housing authority. I begrudgingly headed downtown and met some great citizens of the city, most of which were my age, while having fun with some kids. I got to learn the basics of capoeira (intriguing; could I fit that in my schedule???) and hung out at some parks down in the East Village. I'll definitely be back next month to meet up with some of the other volunteers and see the kids again...

After a few hours of napping afterwards, I saw The Motorcycle Diaries, a film about the revolutionary Che Guevara and the events that he witnessed while touring South America that caused him to want to change the world later in his life (he helped create the Cuban Revolution). It was a very moving film and I recommend seeing it. It's amazing how so little has changed in South America from the 1950's (when the movie took place) and now....

Taking the movie to heart, I spent Sunday shopping, starting at about 3:00 when everyone was ready to go. I began with spending last week's paycheck buying vegetables for dinner at the local gourmet grocery store. I mean, it's ridiculous. $15 for strawberries???? Okay, I won't go there again. I passed on the strawberries, but did buy some great stuff for tonight's Couscous and Winter Vegetables dinner. If anyone wants the easy recipe, email me.

Afterwards, it was on to the seven-floor Macy's in Herald's Square and all of the stores between the 33rd St. subway stop and there. I got me some new jeans (of questionable Euro-tightness) as well as a new shirt (dual purpose, as always, for work and/or social activities), a killer orange/grey wool/cashmere sweater, and a new comforter for the guests (I hope no one is allergic to down feathers!).

And then I made dinner for myself, and......I mean Paul, Cathy, and myself. It was fabulous, and the $1,357 in vegetables that I bought earlier in the day were delectable. So was the $1.59 couscous..... :)

J. Riley

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:57 AM EDT

    I think what the counter really show is which ones of us do not have a life! ;-)
