Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Setting the Record Straight - Literally

For some reason, my coworkers were confused about me. I don't think it could have to do with the fact that I do Yoga and Pilates, take cardio classes, don't lift weights, visit Fire Island, like to dress budget-consensually fashionable, don't sleep with five girls a weekend or with every girl that comes to visit me, have some ounce of respect for women, stretch my hamstrings at work by touching my toes, have girl-like handwriting, have a minor lisp (this will be fixed by my impending braces), have friends around the world, come from "San Francisco" (apparently they haven't been to California), rollerblade in Central Park, wear a pink shirt on occassion, blog, listen to electronic and Latin music, like to dance, like to cook, watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, don't like (American) football or basketball, and eat organic when it's available. Where's the confusion here? Metro? Questionable. Straight as an arrow? Affirmative. There's a guy we work with that used to be in the Navy and is a major homophobe and so I guess they decided to scare him by telling him that I'm gay so that he walks with his back to the wall whenever he's around me. What a bunch of hustlers ;o) ! I guess I have to talk about how hot the girls in the building are more often. Once they found out that I am straight, they attributed my zen-like, laid-back attitude to the fact that my job is so stress-free and I have outside interests other than computers.Haven't these guys been to California??

Anyway, I am giddy-excited about my trip to Eastern Europe. I depart on Thursday night at 10:00pm on Austrian Airlines flight 86 from JFK to Vienna and then on Austrian Airlines flight 623 from Vienna to Warsaw. On the 29th, I'm on Lot Polish Airlines flight 225 from Warsaw to Vienna and on September 4th from Vienna to JFK on Austrian Airlines flight 87. I'm bringing my laptop with me and hope to blog the entire trip in J. Riley granular detail, so stay tuned! I'm planning on coming back single, but there are no promises that I won't have a beautiful Slav (female!) with me ;o)

The J. Riley,
Do widzenia przyjaciół i rodzina!

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